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Bringing in the Bystander®: A Prevention Workshop for Establishing A Community of Responsibility

Bringing in the Bystander is an in-person prevention program to teach community members to intervene before, during and after instances of sexual and relationship violence and stalking. During the program, participants learn knowledge and skills to identify and safely intervene to prevent sexual assault and relationship violence and stalking. The program is very interactive and allows participants to develop and practice bystander intervention prevention skills. Bringing in the Bystander is currently in use on more than 400 college campuses. Versions of the program are available for High Schools and Work Places as well.

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Student rating

5.0 out of 5.0

Administrator rating

5.0 out of 5.0


About the Prevention Navigator

The Prevention Navigator helps you identify sexual assault prevention programs that best fit your school’s needs and review programs that you are familiar with.

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Engaging Your Campus

Sexual assault prevention programs are made for you. Claim your place in the conversation by rating your school’s program.

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