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  • In-Person Presentation
  • Training for Peer Facilitation
  • Research Informed
  • Title IX & VAWA Compliant
  • Customizable

Program Details

Speak About It, Inc. offers innovative, performance-based programming aiming to 1) promote healthy sexuality and relationships, 2) inform students about the realities of sexual assault, 3) provide tangible strategies for bystander intervention, and 4) connect audience members to campus and community resources relevant to sexual violence prevention, response, and education. Each performance features a custom script that includes specific campus references, policy language about consent, and information about available resources. We incorporate personal stories to represent a wide range of sexual and relationship experiences and give audience members an opportunity to see themselves onstage. Entertaining and educational skits weave the performance together, leaving a lasting impression with audience members. Our educators can train student leaders to facilitate productive small group conversations about the show and its messages where students can continue the dialogue with peers and partners about consent, boundaries, and healthy relationships throughout the academic year and beyond.

Contact information

PO Box 4408 Portland, ME
Postal code
Contact name
Oronde Cruger, Program Coordinator


Institution type
University / College (4 year), Community College (2 year)
Age group
Traditional Age (18-24)
General Student Body, Freshmen / Incoming Students
Delivery method
In-Person Presentation, Interactive Theatre, Training for Peer Facilitation
Single Session
Alcohol and Sexual Assault, Awareness, Bystander Intervention, Consent, Dating Violence, Disciplinary Procedures, Risk Reduction and Safety, Sexual Assault
Session details
Single Session



Speak About It was created as a collaboration between students at Bowdoin College hoping to spark a dialogue about healthy sexuality that emphasized "yes means yes" instead of "no means no". The intention was to create a dynamic program that met students where they were and encouraged all parties in every sexual experience to have a rewarding, enjoyable, and safe experience.

Theory of change

Speak About It aims to change the national climate, especially at the college level, regarding healthy sexuality from a focus on the negative (“no means no”, slut shaming, sexual assaults) to a focus on the positive (“yes means yes”, sex positivity, checking in with sexual partners). We use a dynamic performance featuring true stories from college aged students and scripted interludes demonstrating points to engage with college populations. In order to help create a culture of communication, each performance features a facilitation where issues from the show and the college culture can be explored. Once students are shown what healthy sexuality can look like and are given permission to use these tools, campus culture can begin to change.

Research informed

Speak About It relies on information and statistics from a variety of sources such as the World Health Organization (WHO), Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), and Sexual Assault Response Services of Southern Maine (SARSSM). This information helps to identify a problem regarding sexual assault and talking about sex. Knowing that this problem exists motivated the creation of a program that chooses to engage in lively dialogue that will not only help to decrease sexual assaults by checking in with partners but also brighten the intimate lives of those who take part with SAI.


Violence Against Women Act

Speak About It helps ensure VAWA compliance as a program that highlights sexual assault prevention and consent awareness. Additionally, the program lists resources related to sexual assault and sexual health on campus, thus allowing students to more easily identify and utilize them.

Title IX

Speak About It helps to educate against and chip away at rape, sexual assault, and coercion on college campuses as it works from a primary prevention model emphasizing non-ambiguous consent, bystander intervention, and community resources for assault.

Evaluation and Performance Assessments

Formulative evaluation with input from target audience members during the development of the program, Satisfcation surveys from participants, Qualitative feedback
Research conductor
Evaluation published

We are still analyzing our data.


Customization method
Welcome message, Policy information, Survivor support/resource information, Statistics, Police/reporting information
Is data collected?
Data accessors
Executive Director and Program Coordinator
Is data personalized?


Pricing model
Overall fee
Pricing model fees

In addition to the cost per day, we include travel, hotels, and meals for the educators.

Turnaround period

This varies from school to school and depends on a number of factors. We prefer, at least, 2 weeks to make sure that we can offer the best customized presentation as possible.

Additional information


See our website for testimonials.

College associations

Additional information

Speak About It is also happy to discuss custom programming/ presentations regarding healthy sexuality: $1,000 per day + travel, hotels, and meals

Program details are provided by the program vendor. RAINN does not verify all provided content and does not take responsibility for any incorrect information. If you see information that looks incorrect or inappropriate, please let us know.

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