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U GOT THIS! Your Guide to Speak Up, Step In, and Create a Safer Campus for All is an online, interactive, three-part educational program that converts interpersonal violence prevention mandates into a truly relatable and engaging experience for the student user. With a strategic use of humor and colloquial language, the program frames the broader issue of what it means to be an “upstander” in both challenging corrosive norms and sticking up for vulnerable people. U GOT THIS! utilizes the innovative Jellyvision technology, ”Interactive Conversation.” This enables the program to adjust to how each user engages with it, fostering a dynamic and interactive user experience. Participants learn to identify components of unsafe relationships and interactions, including, sexual violence; dating violence; intimate partner violence; and, stalking. The program then introduces a range of intervention strategies that students can use to safely intervene.

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Student rating

1.0 out of 5.0

Administrator rating

4.7 out of 5.0


About the Prevention Navigator

The Prevention Navigator helps you identify sexual assault prevention programs that best fit your school’s needs and review programs that you are familiar with.

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Engaging Your Campus

Sexual assault prevention programs are made for you. Claim your place in the conversation by rating your school’s program.

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